Scientific journals
Tenure professor (2023 to present)
72.- Ascensão F, Barrientos R, D'Amico M (2024) A framework for large-scale risk assessment of road-related impacts, with application to mustelids. Global Ecology and Conservation 56: 03329.
71.- Megía-Palma R, Mediavilla C, Reguera S, Barrientos R (2024) Fenología de la reproducción y exposición a ácaros hematófagos en dos lacértidos mediterráneos. Ecosistemas. In press.
70.- Grilo C (...) Barrientos R (...) Colombo P (2024) Global Roadkill Data: a dataset on terrestrial vertebrate mortality caused by collision with vehicles. Scientific Data. In press
69.- de los Ríos-Solera JA*, Megía-Palma R, Tarriza A*, Blázquez-Castro S, Barrientos R, Barja I (2024) Three yellow patches differently correlate with escape behaviour, morphological traits, leukocytes, parasites, and hormones in a lizard species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: 100. * MsC student
68.- Megía-Palma R, Cuervo J, Fitze P, Martínez J, Jiménez-Robles O, de la Riva I, Reguera S, Moreno-Rueda G, Blaimont P, Kopena R, Barrientos R, Martín J, Merino S (2024) Do sexual differences in life strategies make male lizards more susceptible to parasite infection? Journal of Animal Ecology 93: 1338–1350.
67.- Barrientos R, Carmona G, Burgos T, Martin-Garcia S, Vargas-Ramírez M, Hernández-Hernández J, Bandeira VJ, Quiles P, Palacín C, Martín CA, Virgós E, Horreo JL (2024) The genetics of the European polecat in the Iberian Peninsula. The Journal of Wildlife Management e22628.
66.- Quiles P*, Barrientos R (2024) Interspecific interactions disrupted by roads. Biological Reviews 99: 1121-1139.
* PhD student
65.- Carmona G*, Burgos T, Virgós E, Barrientos R (2024) Factors determining roadkills in a mammal carnivore are road-type specific. Mammalian Biology 104:175-183. * MsC student
64.- Barrientos R, Vickers W, Longcore T, Abelson ES, Dellinger J, Waetjen DP, Fandos G, Shilling FM (2023) Nearby night lighting, rather than sky glow, is associated with habitat selection by a top predator in human-dominated landscapes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378: 20220370.
Tenure track stage (2020 to 2023)
63.- Megía-Palma R, Redondo L, Blázquez-Castro S, Barrientos R (2023) Differential recovery ability from infections by two blood parasite genera in males of a Mediterranean lacertid lizard after an experimental translocation. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A 339: 816-824.
62.- Blázquez-Castro S*, Barrientos R, Megía-Palma R (2023) Unusual double erythrocyte infection by heterogeneric parasites in a Mediterranean lizard. Herpetology Notes 16: 669-672. * PhD student
61.- Carmona G, Burgos T, Barrientos R, Martin-Garcia S, Muñoz C, Sánchez-Sánchez M, Hernández-Hernández J, Palacín C, Quiles P, Moraga-Fernández A, Bandeira V, Virgós E, Gortázar C, Fernández de Mera IG (2023) Lack of SARS-CoV-2 RNA evidence in lungs from wild European polecats (Mustela putorius) from Spain. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69: 33.
60.- Megía-Palma R, Merino S, Barrientos R (2022) Longitudinal effects of habitat quality, body condition, and parasites on colour patches of a multiornamented lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 73.
59.- Ascensão F, Barrientos R, D'Amico M (2021) Wildlife collisions put a dent in road safety. Science 374: 1208.
58.- Galván S*, Barrientos R, Varela S (2022) No bird database is perfect: citizen science and professional
datasets contain different and complementary biodiversity information. Ardeola 69: 97-114. * MsC student
57.- Megía-Palma R, Barja I, Barrientos R (2022) Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites and ectoparasites as biomarkers of heat stress close to roads in a Mediterranean lizard. Science of the Total Environment 802: 149919.
56.- Barrientos R, Ascensão F, D'Amico M, Grilo C, Pereira HM (2021) The lost road: do transportation networks imperil wildlife population persistence? Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19: 411-416.
55.- Megía-Palma R, Barrientos R, Gallardo M, Martínez J, Merino S (2021) Brighter is darker: the Hamilton- Zuk hypothesis revisited in lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 134: 461-473.
54.- Quiles P*, Ascensão F, D'Amico M, Revilla E, Barrientos R (2021) Are road-kills representative of wildlife community obtained from atlas data? Hystrix 32: 89-94. * PhD student
53.- Ascensão F, D'Amico M, Barrientos R (2022) No planet for apes? Assessing global priority areas and species affected by linear infrastructures. International Journal of Primatology 43: 57-73.
52.- Barrientos R, Megía-Palma R (2021) Associated costs of mitigation-driven translocation in small lizards. Amphibia-Reptilia 42: 275-282.
51.- Ascensão F, D'Amico M, Martins R, Rebelo R, Barbosa AM, Bencatel J, Barrientos R (...) Capinha C (2021) Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula. NeoBiota 64: 1-21.
50.- Christie AP, Abecasis D, Adjeroud M, Alonso JC, Amano T, Antón A, Baldigo BP, Barrientos R (...) Sutherland WJ (2020) Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences. Nature Communications 11: 6377.
49.- Bensouilah T, Barrientos R (2021) Greenfinches nesting in Algerian orchards delayed their breeding and produced less fledglings in the driest of two years. Journal of Arid Environments 184: 104312.
48.- Russo LF, Barrientos R, Fabrizio M, Di Febbraro M, Loy A (2020) Prioritizing road-kill mitigation areas: a spatially explicit national-scale model for an elusive carnivore. Diversity and Distributions 26: 1093-1103.
47.- Norte AC, Margos G, Becker NS, Ramos JA, Núncio NS, Fingerle V, Araújo PM, Adamík P, Alivizatos H, Barba E, Barrientos R (...) Lopes de Carvalho I (2020) Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick-borne bacterial pathogen. Molecular Ecology 29: 485-501.
46.- Barrientos R, Ascensão F, D'Amico M (2020) Inappropriate tourist behavior in protected areas can lead to wildlife road-kills. Animal Conservation 23: 343-344.
Postdoc stage (2010-2019)
45.- Ascensão F, Kindel A, Teixeira FZ, Barrientos R, D'Amico M, Borda-de-Água L, Pereira HM (2019) Beware that the lack of mortality records can mask serious impacts of linear infrastructures. Global Ecology and Conservation 19: e00661.
44.- D'Amico M, Ascensão F, Barrientos R (2019) Towards a unified framework for studying the impact of linear infrastructures. Journal of Brief Ideas.
43.- D'Amico M, Martins RC, Álvarez-Martínez JM, Porto M, Barrientos R, Moreira F (2019) Bird collisions with power lines: prioritizing species and areas by estimating potential population-level impacts. Diversity and Distributions 25: 975-982.
42.- Ascensão F, D'Amico M, Barrientos R (2019) Validation data is needed to support modelling in Road Ecology. Biological Conservation 230: 199-200.
41.- Barrientos R, Ascensão F, Beja P, Pereira HM, Borda-de-Água L (2019) Railway Ecology vs. Road Ecology: similarities and differences. European Journal of Wildlife Research 65: 12.
40.- Borda-de-Água L, Ascensão F, Sapage M, Barrientos R, Pereira HM (2019) On the identification of mortality hotspots in linear infrastructures. Basic and Applied Ecology 34: 25-35.
39.- Ruiz-Benito P, Andivia E, Archambeaou J, Astigarraga J, Barrientos R, Cruz-Alonso V, Florencio M, Gómez D, Martínez-Baroja L, Quiles P, Rohrer Z, Santos AMC, Velando E, Villén-Pérez S, Morales-Castilla I (2018) Ventajas de la estadística bayesiana frente a la frecuentista: ¿por qué nos resistimos a usarla? Ecosistemas 27: 136-139.
38.- D'Amico M, Ascensão F, Fabrizio M, Barrientos R, Gortázar C (2018) Twenty years of road ecology: a topical collection looking forward for new perspectives. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64: 26.
37.- Barrientos R, Martins RC, Ascensão F, D'Amico M, Moreira F, Borda-de-Água L (2018) A review of searcher efficiency and carcass persistency in infrastructure-driven mortality assessment studies. Biological Conservation 222: 146-153.
36.- Bernardino J, Bevanger K, Barrientos R, Dwyer J, Langston R, Marques AT, Martins RC, Shaw JM, Silva JP, Moreira F (2018) Bird collisions with power lines: state of the art and priority areas for research. Biological Conservation 222: 1-13.
35.- D'Amico M, Catry I, Martins RC, Ascensão F, Barrientos R, Moreira F (2018) Bird on the wire: landscape planning considering costs and benefits for bird populations coexisting with power lines. Ambio 47: 650-656.
34.- Kouidri M, Adamou A-E, Ouakid ML, Barrientos R (2017) Trumpeter finches (Bucanetes githagineus) breeding at highlands have higher breeding success but a shorter breeding season. Journal of Arid Environments 144: 212-215.
33.- Bueno-Enciso J, Barrientos R, Sanz JJ (2017) Incubation behaviour of Blue (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Great Tit (Parus major) in Mediterranean habitat. Acta Ornithologica 52: 21-34.
32.- Bueno-Enciso J, Barrientos R, Ferrer ES, Sanz JJ (2017) Do extended incubation recesses carry fitness costs in two cavity-nesting birds? Journal of Field Ornithology 88: 146-155.
31.- Serrano-Davies E, Barrientos R, Sanz JJ (2017) The role of nest-box density and placement on occupation rates and breeding performance: a case study with European blue tits. Ornis Fennica 94: 21-32.
30.- Barrientos R, Bueno-Enciso J, Sanz JJ (2016) Hatching asynchrony vs. foraging efficiency: the response to food availability in specialist vs. generalist tit species. Scientific Reports 6: 37750.
29.- Bueno-Enciso J, Ferrer ES, Barrientos R, Sanz JJ (2016) Habitat structure influences the song characteristics within a population of Great tits Parus major. Bird Study 63: 359-368.
28.- Bueno-Enciso J, Ferrer ES, Barrientos R, Sanz JJ (2016) Effect of the nestbox type on the breeding performance of two secondary hole-nesting passerines. Journal of Ornithology 157: 759-772.
27.- Bueno-Enciso J, Ferrer ES, Barrientos R, Serrano-Davies E, Sanz JJ (2016) Habitat fragmentation influences nestling growth in Mediterranean blue and great tits. Acta Oecologica 70: 129-137.
26.- Ferrer ES, García-Navas V, Bueno-Enciso J, Barrientos R, Serrano-Davies E, Cáliz-Campal C, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2016) The influence of landscape configuration and environment on population genetic structure in a sedentary passerine: insights from loci located in different genomic regions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 205-219.
25.- Barrientos R, Bueno-Enciso J, Serrano-Davies E, Sanz JJ (2015) Facultative interspecific brood parasitism in tits: a last resort to coping with nest-hole shortage. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:1603-1615.
24.- García-Navas V, Ferrer ES, Cáliz-Campal C, Bueno-Enciso J, Barrientos R, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2015) Spatiotemporal and genetic contingency of extra-pair behaviour in a song bird. Animal Behaviour 106: 157-169.
23.- Barrientos R (2015) Adult sex-ratio distortion in the native European polecat is related to the expansion of the invasive American mink. Biological Conservation 186: 28-34.
22.- Barrientos R, Valera F, Barbosa A, Carrillo CM, Moreno E (2014) Biogeography of haemo- and ectoparasites of an arid-land bird, the Trumpeter finch. Journal of Arid Environments 106: 11-17.
21.- Varela S, González-Hernández J, Casabella E, Barrientos R (2014) rAvis: an R-package to download the information stored in Proyecto AVIS, a citizen science bird project. PLoS ONE 9: e91650.
20.- Barrientos R, Merino-Aguirre R, Fletcher DH, Almeida D (2014) Eurasian otters modify their trophic niche after the introduction of non-native prey in Mediterranean fresh waters. Biological Invasions 16: 1573-1579.
19.- Barrientos R, Kvist L, Barbosa A, Valera F, Khoury F, Varela S, Moreno E (2014) Refugia, colonization and diversification of an arid-adapted bird: coincident patterns between genetic data and ecological niche modelling.
Molecular Ecology 23: 390-407.
18.- García-Navas V, Ferrer ES, Bueno-Enciso J, Barrientos R, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2014) Extra-pair paternity in Mediterranean blue tits: socio-ecological factors and the opportunity for sexual selection. Behavioral Ecology 25: 1-11.
17.- Barrientos R, Arroyo B (2014) Nesting habitat selection of Mediterranean raptors in managed pinewoods: searching for common patterns to derive conservation recommendations. Bird Conservation International 24: 138-151.
16.- Almeida D, Barrientos R, Merino-Aguirre R, Angeler DG (2012) The role of prey abundance and flow regulation in the marking behaviour of Eurasian otters in a Mediterranean catchment. Animal Behaviour 84: 1475-1482.
15.- Barrientos R, Ponce C, Palacín C, Martín CA, Martín B, Alonso JC (2012) Wire marking results in a small but significant reduction in avian mortality at power lines: a BACI designed study. PLoS ONE 7: e32569.
14.- Barrientos R, Miranda JD (2012) Can we explain regional abundance and road-kill patterns with variables derived from local-scale road-kill models? Evaluating transferability with the European polecat. Diversity and Distributions 18: 635-647.
13.- Barrientos R, Alonso JC, Ponce C, Palacín C (2011) Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of marked wire in reducing avian collisions with power lines. Conservation Biology 25: 893-903.
12.- Barrientos R (2010) Retention of native vegetation within the plantation matrix improves its conservation value for a generalist woodpecker. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 595-602.
During PhD (until 2009)
11.- Barrientos R, Barbosa A, Valera F, Moreno E (2009) Breeding parameters of the trumpeter finch at the periphery of its range: a case study with mainland expanding and island populations. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 1177-1180.
10.- Barrientos R, Valera F, Barbosa A, Carrillo CM, Moreno E (2009) Plasticity of nest site selection in the trumpeter finch: a comparison between two habitats. Acta Oecologica 35: 499-506.
9.- Barrientos R, Bolonio L (2009) The presence of rabbits adjacent to roads increases polecat road mortality. Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 405-418.
8.- Barrientos R, Kvist L, Barbosa A, Valera F, López-Iborra G, Moreno E (2009) Colonization patterns and genetic structure of peripheral populations of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) from Northwest Africa, the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Biogeography 36: 210-219.
7.- Barrientos R, Barbosa A, Valera F, Moreno E (2007) Temperature but not rainfall influences timing of breeding in a desert bird, the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus). Journal of Ornithology 148: 411-416.
6.- Carrillo C, Barbosa A, Valera F, Barrientos R, Moreno E (2007) Northward expansion of a desert bird: effects of climate change? Ibis 149: 166-169.
5.- Barrientos R, López-Darias M (2006) A case of polyandrous trio in common buzzard (Buteo buteo) on Fuerteventura island, Canary Islands. Journal of Raptor Research 40: 305-306.
4.- Barrientos R, Virgós E (2006) Reduction of potential food interference in two sympatric carnivores by sequential use of shared resources. Acta Oecologica 30: 107-116.
3.- Barrientos R (2006) Year-round defecation pattern in wild genets (Genetta genetta L.) in a mountain forest (Toledo, central Spain). Polish Journal of Ecology 54: 325-328.
2.- Barrientos R, Bolonio L (2003) Selección del microhábitat de alimentación por el pico picapinos (Dendrocopos
major) en un pinar de España central. Ardeola 50: 269-274.
1.- Barrientos R, Bolonio L (2002) Registros de Águila moteada Aquila clanga en la Península Ibérica. Ardeola 49: 293-296.
Scientific books
As editor
​1.- Borda-de-Água L, Barrientos R, Beja P, Pereira HM (2017) Railway Ecology. Springer. 320 pp.
As author
6.- Barrientos R (2022) Camachuelo trompetero Bucanetes githagineus. In: III Atlas de las aves en época de reproducción en España. Molina B, Nebreda A, Muñoz AR, Seoane J, Real R, Bustamante J, del Moral JC (Eds.). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
5.- Barrientos R (2021) Camachuelo trompetero. Bucanetes githagineus. Libro Rojo de las Aves de España. En López-Jiménez N (Ed). SEO/BirdLife. Pp: 582-587.
4.- Barrientos R, Borda-de-Água L, Brum P, Beja P, Pereira HM (2017) What's next? Railway ecology in the 21st century. In: Railway Ecology. Borda-de-Água L, Barrientos R, Beja P, Pereira HM (Eds.) Springer. Pp: 311-318.
3.- Barrientos R, Borda-de-Água L (2017) Railways as barriers for wildlife: current knowledge. In: Railway Ecology. Borda-de-Água L, Barrientos R, Beja P, Pereira HM (Eds.) Springer. Pp: 43-64.
2.- Borda-de-Água L, Barrientos R, Beja P, Pereira HM (2017) Railway Ecology. In: Railway Ecology. Borda-de-Água L, Barrientos R, Beja P, Pereira HM (Eds.) Springer. Pp: 3-9.
1.- Barrientos R (2015) Camachuelo trompetero. Bucanetes githagineus. Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles.
Other publications & dissemination
11.- Barrientos R (2024) Costes (y beneficios) de evitar los atropellos de fauna. Actuarios 54 (Primavera): 34-36
10.- Fernández-Mellado R, Barrientos R, Díaz Viñuela S, Benza L (2021) El coleccionismo no es conservación. Quercus 429 (Noviembre): 72-73.
9.- Barrientos R, Zuberogoitia I, Carmona G, Salvador S, Palacín C, Virgós E (2021) ¿Qué sabemos y qué no del turón en España? Quercus 420 (Febrero), 14-20.
8.- Barrientos R, Ascensão F, D'Amico M (2020) Sobre la eficacia de las medidas destinadas a reducir atropellos de fauna. Quercus 409 (Marzo): 66.
7.- Barrientos R, Ascensão F, Beja P, Pereira HM, Borda-de-Água L (2018) El impacto de las infraestructuras ferroviarias sobre la fauna. Quercus 384 (Febrero): 78-81.
6.- Barrientos R (2016) El turón. En: (Lacasa M, Lozano J, eds.) El libro de los carnívoros, pp.130-137. Editorial PhotoDigiscoping. Barcelona.
5.- Varela S, Casabella E, Palomar JA, Arce JA, González JC, Barrientos R (2014) Proyecto AVIS: a Spanish open access bird database available for research. Frontiers of Biogeography 6: 185-190.
4.- Moreno E, Barbosa A, Valera F, Benzal J, Carrillo C, Barrientos R, García L (2010) Tras la pista de un recién llegado: ¿de dónde vienen -y adónde van- los camachuelos trompeteros? Etologuía 22: 39-49.
3.- Barrientos R, Bolonio L (2009) Censo sistemático en una buitrera de nueva formación en los Montes de Toledo. Anuario Ornitológico de Toledo 2: 188-191.
2.- Barrientos R, Arribas M (2003) Importancia de las aves como presa de los carnívoros en los Montes de Toledo. Anuario Ornitológico de Toledo 1 - Revisión Histórica / 2001: 168-175.
1.- Barrientos R, Gil T, Hernando J, Iglesias A, Jiménez MD, Navarro E (2003) Influencia de un embalse sobre la distribución y alimentación de la nutria (Lutra lutra L.) en el río Riaza (Segovia). Galemys 15 (N.E.): 81-90.