Ongoing projects
Impact of traffic noise on glucocorticoid-mediated responses in lizards
Funding entity: Universidad Complutense (PR12/24-31552)
PIs: Rafael Barrientos, Rodrigo Megía-Palma (web)
Budget: 11,650 € Start - End: 12/2024 - 11/2025
In the present project we will study the glucocorticoid-mediated response and recovery of lizards to traffic noise.
Adaptation of terrestrial vertebrate fauna to the temporality of the hydrological regime of the Mediterranean rivers in the face of global change scenarios
Funding entity: Autonomous National Parks Agency (3132/2024)
PI: María del Mar Sánchez-Montoya (web)
Budget: 116,322 € Start - End: 01/2025 - 12/2027
Rivers and streams are considered essential ecosystems for fauna, providing ecological functions and vital habitats, but mostly from a classical conception that envisions rivers with perennial flow and benefits exclusively for aquatic and semi-aquatic species. The objective of the RIMED-FAUNA project is to assess the effect of the temporary hydrological regime of Mediterranean rivers on terrestrial vertebrate fauna, identifying its effect on diversity and movement patterns, as well as on the ecological multifunctionality of these ecosystems, in order to develop species management measures in a context of climate change adaptation, and to improve the perception of these ecosystems.
Past projects

How roads alter the assemblage of the carnivore community
Funding entity: Comunidad de Madrid (2022-5A/AMB-24242)
PI: Rafael Barrientos
Budget: 29,744 € Start - End: 03/2023 - 03/2024
In the present project we study of how the linear infrastructures alter the composition of species in a community of carnivores in the center of the Iberian Peninsula.
Specific objective:
To test whether areas with a high density of infrastructures have impoverished carnivore communities, while those areas better preserved have more balanced communities, including rare species.

(c) R. Barrientos

Estructura genética del turón en la Península Ibérica y potencial hibridación con el hurón
Funding entity: Universidad Complutense - Banco Santander (PR44/21‐29923)
PIs: José Luis Horreo (web)/Rafael Barrientos
Budget: 11,827 € Start - End: 08/2022 - 07/2023
One of the main impacts of roads is the roadkill of wildlife. Being a question of conservation concern to be mitigated, these road carcasses can be employed for conservation purposes as well.
Specific objectives:
1. To test the genetic introgression from ferrets employed by hunters into wildlife polecats
2. To study the existence of past oscilations in polecat populations, population bottlenecks, etc in wild polecats from the Iberian Peninsula by inferring past demographic trends
3. To explore the current genetic structure and gen flow among wild polecat populations in the Iberian Peninsula

Impact of roads on predator-prey relationships
Funding entity: Comunidad de Madrid (2018-T1/AMB-10374)
PI: Rafael Barrientos
Budget: 181,358 € Start - End: 03/2019 - 03/2023
Roads generate numerous impacts on wildlife, from habitat loss or impoverishment, to barrier effects or vehicle-wildlife collision. This project proposes two interrelated lines of research: i) on stability of hot spots and ii) impact of roads on predation newtorks.
Specific objectives:
1. Temporal transferability of polecat roadkill models: by repeating the same sampling carried out in 2002-2004, we aim to assess whether the models are valid 17 years later. We expect that while the variables that determine the collisions are maintained over time, the distribution of the hot spots in space has varied due to the spatial changes in the variables that determine them.
2. Bayesian models of occupancy-detectability to correct bias in detectability: evaluate the importance of false absences; removal of corpses or their failure to detect by the investigator despite being present.
3. Influence of road density on the abundance of predators and prey: by means of photo-trapping in the field, we hope to verify that the 10x10 UTM grids with a high road density will not allow the existence of all species of carnivores. This predator release is expected to increase rabbit densities, and consequently, the number of requests to control their populations.
4. Review of the effects of roads on the mismatch of food chains: since typically certain groups (eg, carnivores) are reluctant to use the proximity of roads, others (their prey) take advantage to colonize road-asociated habitats.

(c) P. Quiles / R. Barrientos